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Parenting with Intention: Intentional Strategies for Black Mothers to Raise Empowered and Confident Daughters

mother-daughter relationships May 22, 2024

Growing up in a bustling city neighborhood filled with the vibrant energy of Black culture and community, my mother instilled in me a sense of purpose and resilience from a young age. With unwavering determination and intentional parenting, she laid the foundation for me to become Dr. Akhu, a passionate advocate for Black women's empowerment and mental health.

My mother would frequently whisper words of encouragement in my ear. "You are the descendent of kings and queens," "You are destined for greatness," she would say, her voice a soothing melody that echoed in my heart. With each affirmation, she planted seeds of self-belief that would blossom into unwavering confidence in my abilities.

But it wasn't just words that shaped my upbringing—it was the intentional actions and choices my mother made every day. She fought to get me into the best schools and immersed me in a rich tapestry of Black culture, history, and heritage, surrounding me with books, music, and art that celebrated our shared identity.

Today, as Dr. Akhu, I carry with me the lessons of intentional parenting that my mother so lovingly imparted. I am fueled by her legacy of love, strength, and resilience, using my platform to empower Black women to embrace their worth and step into their power. My journey is a testament to the transformative power of intentional parenting—a journey that began with my mother's unwavering love and guidance.

In this article, we explore the profound impact of parenting with intentionality, unveiling strategies and insights that empower Black mothers to nurture their daughters' self-esteem, resilience, and sense of purpose. Join us as we delve into the art of intentional parenting and its potential to shape the next generation of empowered Black women.

The Power of Intentional Parenting
Parenting with intentionality is a deliberate and mindful approach that prioritizes children's long-term well-being and development (Markham, 2020). It involves setting clear parenting intentions, values, and goals and making conscious choices that align with these principles. For Black mothers, intentional parenting offers a powerful framework for instilling a strong sense of identity, agency, and empowerment in their daughters amidst societal challenges and systemic barriers.

Cultivating Self-Esteem and Resilience
One of the foundational principles of intentional parenting is nurturing self-esteem and resilience in children. For Black daughters, who face unique challenges related to racial identity, self-esteem plays a crucial role in navigating the complexities of identity formation and societal expectations (McAdoo, 2002). Through intentional strategies such as affirmations, positive reinforcement, and modeling resilience, Black mothers can empower their daughters to embrace their inherent worth and navigate adversity with confidence and strength.

Fostering Positive Identity Development
Identity development is a central aspect of adolescence, particularly for Black girls who may grapple with questions of race, culture, and belonging (Cokley et al., 2012). Intentional parenting involves creating an environment that celebrates and affirms Black identity, culture, and heritage. By exposing their daughters to positive representations of Black excellence, history, and achievement, Black mothers help foster a strong sense of pride, identity, and belonging in their daughters.

Promoting Critical Thinking and Agency
Intentional parenting encourages daughters to develop critical thinking skills, agency, and autonomy in decision-making (Baldwin et al., 2015). Black mothers can empower their daughters by fostering open dialogue, encouraging curiosity, and providing opportunities for self-expression and exploration. Mothers equip their daughters with the tools they need to navigate the world's complexities with confidence and conviction by instilling a sense of agency and self-efficacy.

Tips for Intentional Parenting:

Set clear intentions: Define your values, goals, and priorities as a parent and make intentional choices that align with these principles.
Practice positive reinforcement: Use affirmations, praise, and encouragement to bolster your daughter's self-esteem and confidence.
Celebrate Black identity: Expose your daughter to positive representations of Black culture, history, and achievement to foster a strong sense of pride and identity.
Foster open dialogue: Create a safe space for open and honest conversations about race, identity, and societal issues, allowing your daughter to express her thoughts and feelings freely.
Encourage critical thinking: Provide opportunities for your daughter to question, analyze, and explore the world around her, empowering her to think critically and make informed decisions.

In conclusion, intentional parenting offers Black mothers a powerful framework for raising empowered and confident daughters who are equipped to navigate the complexities of race, identity, and society with resilience and grace. By cultivating self-esteem, fostering positive identity development, and promoting critical thinking and agency, mothers lay the foundation for their daughters' success and well-being. As we continue on this journey of intentional parenting, let us empower the next generation of Black women to rise and thrive.

Are you ready to embrace intentional parenting and empower your daughter to reach her fullest potential? Join The Sista Peace Tribe gatherings, where mothers, grandmothers, and aunties come together to support, uplift, and empower each other in their journey of intentional parenting. Visit our website to learn more and join our community today. Let us cultivate a future where every Black daughter is empowered to shine.


Baldwin, J. A., Hopkins, J., & Hubbard, R. R. (2015). Culturally responsive parenting and preschool children’s socioemotional development. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(3), 821-830.

Cokley, K., McClain, S., Enciso, A., & Martinez, M. (2012). An examination of the impact of minority status stress and impostor feelings on the mental health of diverse ethnic