Book Dr. Akhu


Moments of Wit & Wisdom, The Mother Wit Conference
Mother-Daughter Relationships, Mental Health Round Table
New York City Hostage Negotiation Team
Law Alumni of Color Association (LACA), New York University
New Rochelle High School, "Cultivating Inner Peace: Embracing Calm in the Teenage Storm" PlayShop, PTSA Parents and Adolescent Students
Bipolar Black Girl Podcast, "ADHD Symptoms and Strategies"
Temple Eanna S3x Worker Virtual Business Summit, Maintaining Autonomy and Agency
The Lesline Does Wellness Podcast, "The Truth About Rest For New Moms"
Amalgamated Bank, "Redefining the Strong Black Woman" PlayShop, Lunch & Learn for Multicultural Staff
Westbury Union Free School District, "Cultivating Inner Peace" PlayShop, Administrative Staff
WW Weight Watchers, "Cultivating Inner Peace" PlayShop, African American Women's group
Lifting Up Westchester, "Self Care" PlayShop, Staff
Rivendell School, "Cultivating Inner Peace" PlayShop , Staff
My Sister's Place, "Cultivating Inner Peace" PlayShop and Professional Consultation for teams and individuals, Direct service staff
Greenburgh Central School District, Monthly "Feel Good Friday" Cultivating Inner Peace PlayShop Series, Open to all district staff
Westchester Library System, Various PlayShops, and Staff Consultation